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066 220 3090
Time is running out for employers or self-employer person to get in line with the asbestos abatement regulations
The new regulation requires that each employer or self-employed person must make sure that any asbestos is present at the workplace. With the deadline approaching fast it is important to remember that the penalty for not being assessed is R500 per day.
The Department of Labour is on the rampage to ensure that occupational health & safety, which includes the asbestos abatement regulation, is addressed by each employer or the self-employed.
To identify the asbestos, a competent person must inspect the premises and all identified items must be assessed to determine the risks of these items. These items must be listed in the asbestos inventory that must be made available to employees and contractors. The inventory and assessments must be updated every 24 months to ensure that the asbestos inventory is up to date.
Asbestos Consulting not only specializes in the identification of asbestos, but also risk assessments, and asbestos management plans, we can assist with project management, making recommendations on how to handle each individual aspect, drafting the scope of works, and getting quotations from registered contractors.
Contact us at admin@asbestossa.net or call us on 066 220 3090 or via Whatsapp, and we will gladly assist.
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