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Asbestos SA

Occupational Health & Safety Act - Asbestos Abatement Regulations - What the employer should know?

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

As we all know, the asbestos abatement regulations were implemented in Nov 2020, with a few changes.

The emphasis is now to create more awareness on asbestos in the workplace and to regulate asbestos better.

The big question everybody asks is - What is the responsibility of the employer?

The first step would be to identify if any asbestos is present at the workplace. Regulation 2 clearly emphasis that these regulations apply to every employer or self-employed person how may expose any person to asbestos dust at the workplace.

In regulation 3 the employer or self-employed person must, as far reasonably practicable ensure that:

  1. all asbestos-containing materials at the workplace are identified by a component person.

  2. if it's uncertain whether it's asbestos, either handle it asbestos or samples can be taken to analyze it at a laboratory.

  3. if part of the workplace is inaccessible and considered by a competent person, assume that asbestos is present and handle it as asbestos.

  4. If no asbestos is found in the workplace a certificate must be issued by a competent person that the workplace is free of asbestos.

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