Regulation 13
Duties of approved asbestos inspection authority for asbestos work
An approved inspection authority involved in type 2 or type 3 asbestos work must—
(a) ensure that the appropriately registered asbestos contractor performs only type 2 or type 3 asbestos work, as the case may be;
(b) obtain a copy of an up-to-date inventory of asbestos in place from the asbestos client prior to asbestos work taking place;
(c) in consultation with the registered asbestos contractor, compile a plan of work in accordance with regulation 15;
(d) approve and submit the plan of work at least seven days prior to commencement of asbestos work to the Chief Director: Provincial Operations for acknowledgement;
(e) receive acknowledgement from the Chief Director: Provincial Operations within the seven-day period; (f) confirm the employee medical certificate of fitness and asbestos training records for that asbestos work;
(g) provide guidance and site-specific instructions to the registered asbestos contractor on the approved plan of work;
(h) inspect adherence to the approved plan of work and requirements of these Regulations;
(i) stop any registered asbestos contractor from executing any asbestos work which poses a health or safety risk to persons until such time that the risk has been appropriately mitigated;
(j) perform planned asbestos air monitoring in accordance with regulation 16 and provide, as soon as is reasonably practicable, air monitoring results to the registered asbestos contractor and asbestos client;
(k) issue a written report, which includes findings and, where necessary, recommendations; and (l) ensure that, upon completion of type 2 or type 3 asbestos work, clearance is performed as required in regulation 22.