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Regulation 19


(1) An employer or self-employed person must—

      (a) provide respiratory protective equipment and protective clothing suitable for protection against regulated                asbestos fibres to all persons who may be exposed to asbestos;

      (b) ensure that the respiratory protective equipment provides the appropriate level of protection for the type                of asbestos work to be undertaken; and 29

      (c) ensure that a person’s exposure is adequately controlled as contemplated in regulation 9.


(2) Where respiratory protective equipment is provided, the employer or self-employed person must ensure that          (a) the relevant equipment is capable of keeping the exposure level below the OEL for asbestos;

      (b) the relevant equipment is correctly and properly used, stored and maintained;

      (c) information, instruction, training and supervision that are necessary with regard to the use of the                               equipment are provided to the persons; and

      (d) the equipment is kept in good condition and efficient working order. .


(3) An employer or self-employed person must, as far as is reasonably practicable—

      (a) issue no personal protective equipment to a person unless such equipment is cleaned, decontaminated                   and, where appropriate, sterilised;

      (b) provide separate containers or storage facilities for personal protective equipment not in use; and

      (c) ensure that all personal protective equipment not in use is stored only in the place provided.


(4) An employer or self-employed person must, as far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that all personal                    protective equipment contaminated with asbestos dust is thoroughly cleaned and handled in accordance with        the following procedures-

      (a) Where personal protective equipment is cleaned on the premises of the asbestos client, care must be                       taken  to prevent contamination during handling, transport and cleaning; and (b) water that is used for                    decontamination or cleaning of equipment must be filtered in accordance with regulation 9(3) before being            released into any water system.


(5) Subject to subregulation (3)(a), an employer or self-employed person must ensure that no person removes              dirty or contaminated personal protective equipment from the workplace: Provided that where personal                  protective equipment contaminated with asbestos dust has to be disposed of, it must be treated as asbestos          waste as contemplated in regulation 21.


(6) Subject to the Facilities Regulations, 2004, published as Government Notice R.924 in Gazette No. 26636 of 3            August 2004, the employer must—

      (a) provide employees involved in type 1 and type 2 asbestos work with adequate washing facilities, which are             readily accessible and located in an area where the facilities will not become contaminated, to enable                       employees to meet a standard of personal hygiene consistent with the adequate control of exposure, and               to avoid the spread of asbestos dust;

      (b) provide employees involved in type 3 asbestos work with a decontamination facility, in accordance with                   HSG 248, Chapter 9, which facility is readily accessible and located in an area where it will not become                       contaminated, to enable employees to meet a standard of personal hygiene consistent with the adequate               control of exposure, and to avoid the spread of asbestos dust.

Personal protective equipment and facilities

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