Regulation 10
Notification of asbestos work
(1) No employer, self-employed person or asbestos client may carry out any type 1 asbestos work unless the Chief Director: Provincial Operations has been notified in writing of the location, venue and contact details of where the asbestos work will be done, at least seven days prior to commencement of such work.
(2) No employer, self-employed person or asbestos client may carry out any type 2 or type 3 asbestos work unless the Chief Director: Provincial Operations has been notified, in writing, at least seven days prior to commencement of such work.
(3) A shorter time period for notification contemplated in subregulations (1) and (2) may be allowed by the Chief Director: Provincial Operations in the event of an emergency.
(4) Written notification contemplated in subregulation (2) must be provided in the format indicated in Annexure 2.
(5) The relevant Chief Director: Provincial Operations must ensure that acknowledgement of receipt is provided, in writing, to the employer, self-employed person or asbestos client within the seven day notification period