Regulation 3

On the 29th of November 2020, the South African Government released the Asbestos Abatement Regulations.
Every employer or self-employed person must identify if any asbestos is present at the workplace. Now you may ask the question, "What if I don't own the property?" The asbestos regulations are part of your health & safety in the daily operation at the workplace and are the responsibility of the employer to make sure everything, including the asbestos, is in place.
Any incidents or emergencies do have a specific procedure to follow according to health & safety and the same happens with asbestos incidents and emergencies. The process starts with identifying all the asbestos in the workplace which must be written into a register, that is available to the health & safety officer and all the employees.
What if no asbestos is present? A certificate must be issued that will state that the workplace is free of asbestos.
Do you need assistance with identifying asbestos? We have developed a first for South Africa - asbestos testing kit. You will take the samples, enter the information in the mobile app, and you are on your way to being compliant.
Download the latest asbestos regulation via the link.
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