Time is running out for employers or self-employed persons to implement the new asbestos abatement regulations. The extension of18 months ends in May 2022.

The regulations require that each employer or self-employed person assess if asbestos is present and if asbestos was identified, the risks must be determined on each item. If no asbestos is present a certificate must be missed by a competent person that that workplace is free of asbestos.
All the identified items must be noted in an asbestos inventory for record purposes and must be updated every 24 months. All the identified items need to be marked with approved warning signs and labels.
A written asbestos management plan needs to be drafted and needs to cover the following:
handling of incidents of accidents
removal or repair work
facing out of the asbestos
With the ever-increasing fuel price & high traveling cost, we invite you to book a free 30-minute online discussion with one of our asbestos experts. Click here to make a booking.

For emergencies WhatsApp us on 066 220 3090 or use the QR code for easy access.